Our Story...
The Cambridge String Project, initiated by Shannon Hutchison-Krupat, is a program designed specifically for aspiring string students at the beginner level. Shannon recognized that many students faced challenges in starting their journey with a string instrument due to limited teacher availability and prolonged waitlists. Although some schools offer one-on-one lessons, students often miss out on the enriching experience of being part of a string ensemble. This program aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn their instrument while simultaneously being part of a vibrant string ensemble.
For students already enrolled in one-on-one lessons, the Cambridge String Project offers a valuable weekly addition. Regularly dedicating time to playing their instruments reinforces proper performance techniques and skill development. By listening to other instruments and understanding how their part contributes to the overall orchestral sound, students gain valuable insights into musical collaboration. Moreover, participating in a group setting brings the joy of connecting with fellow students and fosters a sense of belonging within the orchestra team.
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